Brook's Co., Ltd. (hereinafter called Brook's) respects your personal information and places a high management priority on properly protecting your personal information.
To secure your privacy when you are using our website, we have established the following privacy policies, and will continuously handle your information appropriately.
(Please note that the following privacy policy is only for Brook's coffee Global Market.)
Article 1 Purpose of use
Brook's will use personal information only within the scope necessary for the achievement of the purpose of use which has been specified in advance, except for cases in which Brook's has obtained in advance consent from the individual who provides personal information and for cases permitted under the related laws or regulations.
Article 2 Obtaining personal information
Brook's will clearly notify necessary information such as purpose of use or customer service.
Brook's may record in writing or in voice the contents of transactions and inquiries.
Article 3 About third party offer
Brook's will not share personal information with any other third parties without the consent of customer. However we may disclose your information for the following purpose.

1) When there is a request from public institutions such as the courts and the police, Or when there is special regulation in the law
2) To specify a person who has possibility to disadvantage or interfere, or to contact its person
3) When Brook's judges its necessity in order to protect life, body or property without his consent.
4) When Brook's subcontracts business to fulfilling customer request
Article 4 Security Control Measure
Brook's will maintain entrusted personal information to be accurate. Brook's will take necessary and appropriate security control measures to protect entrusted personal information from unauthorized access, leakage, modification, loss, destruction, etc.
Article 5 Supervision of Subcontractor
Brook's may subcontract the processing of entrusted personal information to a third party within the scope necessary for the achievement of the purpose of use. Brook's will exercise necessary and adequate supervision to the party by making contracts.
Article 6  Disclosure and deletion of personal information
Brook's will properly respond to request from the individual regarding disclosure or deletion of personal information. Please contact our customer service for the details.
Article 7  Obtaining personal information with peculiar technology to the Internet
Brook's might use "cookie", "web beacon" or resemble technology to provide the customized service to individual customer regarding use state and analysis.
Cookie and web beacon will be used for statistical analysis as anonymous information, and in membership service they will be related to information that identifies customer technology to provide the customized service.
In the future we might use other peculiar technology to the Internet.
Article 8  Revision of privacy policy
Brook's will properly review and improve the above-mentioned policies. A part of privacy policy might be updated.

If you have questions about this privacy policy, please contact to