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Cantafe Cocoa Latte 40pcs (Instant Drink)
Now even richer in flavor and taste, with use of authentic cocoa.

Cantafe Cocoa Latte 40pcs (Instant Drink)

Cantafe Cocoa Latte 40pcs (Instant Drink)Cantafe Cocoa Latte 40pcs (Instant Drink)Cantafe Cocoa Latte 40pcs (Instant Drink)

Total PriceJPY 5,530(Approx 275 元)
PriceJPY5,530(Approx 275 元)
Delivery charge JPY 2,110JPY 0(Approx 0 元)

Delivery options would change depending on the country.
Delivery days Approx 6-12days

Contents:40pcs Quantity
*This item can not be delivered to Australia, Ireland, United Kingdom
(due to import regulations of aforementioned country).
Product Code:54-5065
Price/Piece (Incl. Shipping)
Best before : One year from production date

Product Information
